Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!

Just want to wish everyone who celebrate Chinese New Year, GONG XI FA CAI!!!

We got 2 little Tarzan & Jane hopping around the house non-stop since the CNY's eve... guess they are excited for the celebration... LOL!

Rou En decided to take photos with one little animals of her cousin sister... named Sugar. Mummy got her one lovely post here...

The up-close look of Sugar...

En En couldn't help and giggles at last when Sugar tried to climbed on her neck...

Have a wonderful holidays!!!

p/s: Before mummy forgot, HAPPY VALENTINE too!


Mamalina said...

Happy New Year!

So cute! Is that a squirrel?

chanelwong said...

Gong Xi Gong Xi to you n family....

cre8tone said...

Happy CNY, Happy Valentines and Happy Chap Goh Meh to you~