This is the place to jots down every spicy & juicy ingredients added in our life since having our first child. It is our great memory flashback tool in years to come.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Favourite Pose
Hair Trimmed!

Waiting for my turn in the hair salon with Ah Mah while mummy was trimming her hair first...

Saturday, June 20, 2009
"Sticky" 37 months old & "Bravery" 8 months old

She is becoming too much nowadays as she uses screaming and crying as a method to get what she wants now. She is not only scream and cry like normal but her terrible way to express herself made all of us feeling to whack her as much as possible! She doesn't care what's right or wrong and cry like a mad person non-stop plus screaming as if she had been abused by us!
She refused to bath, refused to change clothes, refused to eat, refused to drink milk,... she's doing everything that's oppose to what we said! Lately, she's addicted to Astro PHDC programme and even asked Ah Kong not to switch her channel or else she will start to cry till you get along with her way! She only favour Ah Mah to do everything or anything with/to her which we all think it's ridiculous and too much!
Suddenly En En turns into a little devil in the family... compare to friendly Baby Zheng, she's too "sticky" to handle as she only glue to Ah Mah day and night... However, we still persuade her sleep with mummy, daddy and DiDi at night even there were times that she cried for Ah Mah during midnight.
Mummy wonders whether it's time to let her go to kindy?New experiences / achievements
1. Brush teeth on her own with toothpaste
2. Take off her shirt with two elbows "slot" in the lower part of the shirt then pull up higher and higher... Mummy taught her this one! So proud~ :)
3. Discovered fun to lock / unlock the door
4. Will say "Sorry" if she accidentally hit on something BUT not SOMEONE!

7. He won’t go to sleep if Jie Jie is awake or talking. He loves to be part of Jie jie playmate by snatching whatever toys Jie Jie is having even we gave him other toys.
8. He knows when it’s time to hold on something firmly if he ever feels insecure e.g: mummy’s shirt, mummy’s HAIR (Ough!) when he’s high above on mummy’s shoulder…
9. He's yet to speak but just baby talk... the most we can hear from him is "nen-nen", "mum-mum" and good news is he's starting to follow the sound of a single words that we repeatedly speak to him.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Whack! Whack! Whack!
She is too pampered and spoil in the sense that she wants everything her way. Up till today she's not willing to borrow any of her toys for DiDi and dislike DiDi making noises and seriously jealous when, well especially Ah Mah sayang DiDi.
We were geram about her acts as she thought she can get everything she wants by throwing huge tantrum and screams her lungs out. Mummy got to be her translator as most of the time others are unable to understand what she's trying to say when she's crying. The terrible part is she will choose Ah Mah to do this or that for her but in a very unclear murmuring...
Mummy tries to intepret the cause of what she wants and how to make her stop when she really gets mad (scream and cry for 1 hour!) and found out most of the time it's the adults, us, didn't understand what message she was trying to deliver to us. In short, it's COMMUNICATION PROBLEM. We need to learn her way of communicating instead of asking her to do what we want her to do, right?
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
What's this??!!

Still on antibiotic
Paed said her body is not yet fully recover and the bacteria might not be fully clear out from the blood stream. The effect of taking the antibiotic results that she will have bowel movement 3-5 times per day! Yesterday was 7 times of bowel movement till there's no stool came out but only the mucus/lining of the colon... Thank God it was just soft stool most of the time...
Today she started a new antibiotic and Smecta, went to poo poo 4 times already, including just now at 1am!!!
Poor En En and pity mummy and daddy who can only fall asleep after 1am since few days ago...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Knitted Stuff
The 3 Year Old's Birthday
This was the day her medicine allergy reaction shown and we were actually brought her to see paed in the morning. Her whole body was covered by Calamine lotion, that's why looks so white!
En En gave us a happy smile when her two cousin sisters arrived to celebrate her B'day.
Cake cutting ceremony... she understands what a B'day is now. She loves to blow the candles.
Chocolate "Black Forrest" cake... enough for everyone of us!