Sunday, August 31, 2008

In great demand for Peace of Mind!

Who? Of course it's mummy...

En En has turned into a very terrible toddler. On one hand we are almost celebrating the joy of her success in potty training but yet her crying and screaming haunted everyone in the family.

En En will turn into a little monster when she crys (the signal) that she wants to pee in the mid of the night or dawn. The problem is she refuse to get down from the bed to go to the potty and refuse us to carry her to the potty as well!!! She will cry and insist till Ah Mah comes into the room then only she is willing to sit on the potty. There were times Ah Mah went out to morning walk or to the market and En En will cry her lungs out. Times like this mummy got no other choice but to force her to sit on potty and everytime she was in very terrible urge to pee! If we wait for a few more seconds definitely she will pee onto the bed!

Mummy and daddy can't do much here except forcing her to sit on potty and let her cry out loud but once she peed, she will settle down and sleep back.

Why she is becoming so terrible and make others to dislike her behaviour? Is it because I'm having No.2?


Anonymous said...

Hang on ya - terrible twos mah and yeah, also could be baby No. 2 on the way. How does her por-por bring her to the potty? Maybe if you observe her routine and then follow it exactly, En En will be OK.

Lucas is very routine and like to do things in a certain way now. So when Hubby helps to take care of him, he'll follow my routine EXACTLY and the little fella is happy, Hubby has no problems :)

Try it and see? Crying every night and forced to pee sound tiring and traumatic for you, Hubby and En En...

slavemom said...

She's vy attached to Ah Mah hor. Wah... so fast she's going diaperless at nite. Hopefully her behaviour gets better as she grows older, when u can reason with her. It's probably her way of getting attn as u're expecting #2.

Anonymous said...

agree with kittycat, terrible twos is quite challenging :)I had the same problem too with Irfan during his 1'st week of nite time training last time, what I did is I bring him to pee before we go to bed then I'll bring him to pee again at 4am, make it routines and then he will get used to it, yes he cried for the 1'st few days but then ok... and iya, i kena sabar banyak!! LOL and my mom said, usually 1'st child will behave better after they become a big sister/brother! how far the truth? hehehe must wait until your second baby born lah kan? hihihi