Saturday, June 23, 2007

Pre-wash for Cloth Diaper

Well, I was quite doubt about the pre-wash for hemp insert for cloth diaper. I was told by Sandra to wash & rinse hemp item at least 3 times before can combine and wash with other cloth diapers item. So, as a beginner in cloth diapering I just follow the instruction... Yes m'dame!

This is the reason behind:

1st Wash

2nd Wash
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3rd Wash
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See the difference?? That's the so-called layer of oil covering hemp. The normal inserts when wash looks like below:

Still can see through the water...


Unknown said...

great tips! very clear pictures!
I hope you have a really happy journey in your cloth diapering experience!

bZbee said...

whooaa!!! good idea for great new other moms knows what to expect..hihihi...