Today was a terrible day for En En and mummy. En En was on drip since she didn't want to take in anything including medicine. We had to force-feed her while she's screaming her lung out! Daddy got to lock her arms and legs while mummy got to hold her head firmly in order to pump medicine for her.
While she's awake, she will asked to go "kai-kai" and the place that we can go is the playground room in paed center. Luckily there were a few children who will played with En En when they were there together. So, basically the day is long... and mummy know that En En also feel boring to stay in there. This is the only entertainment En En had for her waking period.
Due to new environment and phobia of the nurses who came close to us, En En barely can sleep even after injection. Her will power was so strong to refuse dozed off in the ward room. She was crying to ask us bring her to the playground room in the paed center even it's already 11pm! She kept on crying and screaming if we ever tried to go back to the ward room. Every other children already went to dreamland but not En En. Daddy had no choice seeing our little one cried for almost 2 hours non-stop and requested paed to give her another jab to release her tension and relax her muscle so that she can sleep soundly to get better rest. Otherwise... everyone around her will be affected especially mummy who needs more rest like her.
3 Jan 2008
En En showed some interest in food and she was asking for "mum-mum" during breakfast time. this is a good sign, even she just had a little bit but it's an improvement. Medicine? Still need to force-feed her. *Sigh*
She felt drowsy and tired after some walk and medicine but she just refused to sleep in the crib and insisted mummy to bring her "kai-kai" with eyes half close. She kept on crying for another 1 hour and just made eveyone felt bad about her crying as her voice turned coarse. Lastly, Ah Kong & Ah Mah applied with pead to get En En back home in the afternoon and sent in by evening.
So, we went home for lunch and En En managed to drink 4oz milk and 4oz ribena in that afternoon. Then at late afternoon, we managed to get her ate 1 bowl of very watery oatmeal. At least we feel relieve as she has more fluid intake. One thing never change is En En still refuse anyone else to hold her except mummy. Mummy's biceps were so painful after holding her for the past 2 days and finally asked the help of our maid to help mummy in this:
Brought En En back to the hospital around 5.30pm and surprisingly she didn't protest and she gave some cooperation when it's feeding time. She took dinner even very little and she is able to take medicine when we tried to spoon-fed her. Hurray! No need to force-feed already. Mummy was so proud of her improvement.
She slept at 9pm even she was complaining and crying for a while but much better than the night before. Never woke up for the whole night so mummy and daddy also can have a better sleep.
Finally pead announced that En En can go home already! When mummy asked her whether she wants to go home she said NO! Huh?? Asked her still want to stay in the hospital she said YES! Oh no... must be the attraction of the playground room.
En En was discharged from the hospital about 10.45am. Bad news is Ah Mah is suspected to contract the same disease since this morning...
Sharine, I hope En En ok by now. It is surely tough when our kids get sick, so is the pain in our heart. U take care yeah!!
Love, chinnee.
Thank God En En getting better now.. :)
Yay! En En is discharged. Yay Yay! You are wearing her in a sling!! No harm with a homemade sling as long as it's properly tied though I think it should be longer..
Take care and hope to be hearing from you soon ;)
YOU POOR GIRLS!! YES the both of you!!!! Sounds like what Bryan had the last time scary when our child is sick yah. Don't worry, at least all those behind you now. You're such a strong mummy!!
Sorry to hear she was admitted but glad that she's out of hospital already. Anyway, your paed sounds like *the* good one at Adventist! Take care.
oh..the poor dear !!! I am glad she is better and discharged now. BTW, who is your pediatrician and where is he at? good?
I read this post I oso 'sam thong'. Coz I know wat u guys r going thru... the drips, the nurses coming in n out, the force-feeding of med. It's a hard time when kiddo is sick. Situation made worse as u're not feeling well urself. I hope u've fully recovered by now.
We have 10 month old daughter..sick high fever and refusing to feed anything including medicine. we had to force feed her. She just wants to cling to mommy.
chinnee, taty, paik ling, ginie:
thank you all for your concern and well wishes. Eventhough En En discharged from hospital, we still need to monitor her food and fluid intake plus medicine to be completed. It's really a tough time for everyone.
jess: I'm thinking to buy one if en en is still so clingy. I slowly develope backache after holding her for so long...
kittycat, christene:
En En's paed is not Dr.Tan but the day when she was admitted only this pead able to attend her. We soon found out Dr.Tan is more detail and very good and we might want to switch pead... LOL! Oh, he's from Penang Adventist Hospital.
shankar: yes... I understand the pain and terrible feeling seeing our little one refuse to take in anything and it's normal for them to be so cling to mommy when they are sick. Just be there for them to calm them down even there are times I feel so "geram" (annoyed)...
Oh dear! I did not know en-en was hospitalized! So sorry to hear that and hope she is well now.
Hope you are feeling better too.
Dr. Tan is a great paed really..I guess the paed your daughter went to was Dr. Agnes..because Dr. Mary was on leave at that time...anyway I have seen both Dr.Mary and Dr.Tan..but i find Dr.Tan better..I was admitted ther also from 30th dec till 3rd jan this year..but was refused by the paeds ward due to my age(17)..n by the way..the paeds nurses are the best nurses ever!!
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