Weird enough, she refused to step down to the beach and asked us to carry her while she's exploring the new view. She kept on saying "pom... pom..." - swimming in the sea while pointing to the sea! Unfortunately this little one is quite timid and never ask us to let her play the water. She's scared!
Before we went back, she finally agreed to step down to the beach but never move her step. *roll eyes* Stood there still for mummy to snap, snap!
Dear beach, we are going to pay you more visit from now on...
En En is like CE.. vy cautious of new ground textures. But the sea water is quite dirty hor?
I am a crazy Momma. Already brought Arthur to play with sand and grass when he was barely 10 months old. Read that exposures to different textures of everything helps develop their sense of touch and motor skills...
slavemom: the sea is polluted but at least she knows how a sea looks like and the feel of standing on the beach...
jess: no you are not crazy mom, i agree with you and also wish to do things like that when En En was younger. But I just don't have the time to bring her out to parks and beaches until recently.
how nice that you are so near a beach!!!
been to batu feringgi while was studying in penang..lucky sabah also has beaches but the funny this is the nearer you are to them, the harder for you to go..hhehe
paik ling: all of us (mummy, daddy and en en) are lucky and we love the beach!
denna: ya lor.. so embarrass... :P
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