I received this award from Wen And Slavemom (I prefer to call you Mdm Saw)...thank you very much. I always feel warm and glad knowing all the blogger friends from the day one I start blogging. I treasure everyone that visit to my blog and I also become a regular visitor to your blog too. It's a nice sharing experience and suddenly I recall I did receive another award from Michelle. But was not aware what is the award doing in blogging community back then. Hehehe....
We don't see each other personally but we are friends to each other, isn't it? This is the new friend making community and I hope I'm not too late into blogging too. :)
The originator of the Nice Matters Award states that it is meant for “those that are just nice people, good blog friends, and those that inspire good feelings and inspiration! Those that care about others, that are there to lend support, or those that are just a positive influence in our blogging world!”
These 7 people who share alot with others and I would love to give the award to:
Michelle - great tips on parenting & mybabybay forum
Jazzmint - very funny character of yours & your passion in digital scrapbooking
Sandra - official CD addict and "promoter" of cloth diaper in malaysia, thumbs up for your passion & your "Parentpreneur"
Chin Nee - tips & ideas with involvement in child play, love De' Play
Bryan's Mama - we share alot of things, isn't it? Love your humour.
Angeleyes - fantastic working lady turned SAHM, you sure have lots to explore in kitchen with yummy food!
Lian - even I'm your silent reader but I think this award is for you too!
Thanks for the award!!!! Hope to see you and En-En at the meet!
hey, thanks for the award, Sharine.
Thanks for the award! You so nice.
hey girl, wahhhh i'm honoured!!! i haven't got an award before lah *blush*
say, can I give the award back to you ah?
oh btw, you just got tagged!
Thank you berry-berry much. Nice blogger like you shouldn't stay silent. (Hint, hint).
thx for the award
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