This is the place to jots down every spicy & juicy ingredients added in our life since having our first child. It is our great memory flashback tool in years to come.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Go Green Mama - Review

Favourite Song
Your eyes will glue to the TV once you hear the song and stay still till the advertisement finish no matter what you are doing before this. This original song is from The Carpenters but somehow been modified for OGAWA's advertisement and the taiwanese singer was chosen to be their spokeperson. Therefore, you'll always see a guy with a guitar singing in the advertisement.
En En really knows how to enjoy nice song!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Consequence of addicted to pacifier
En En often found like below:
There's one night we brought her out and never bring any chu-chut and we found she kept on doing this:
The next morning we discovered:
Stroller Free Day!
Perhaps the stroller is too small or the toddler is too big. I can see one thing that promote on the kid is laziness plus enjoying as a big baby... LOL! That's pamper...
En En now go out with us without stroller. Stroller was a helper before she can walk but now is a burden for me. Imagine I still need to carry her bottles, bibs, milk powder, diapers/nappy, wipes, etc... in a super huge bag. I wish to reduce on something else and it got to be the stroller. Then, must be tired of carrying her, right? Let her walk!!! That's how she got to burn her energy and build up her leg's strength and stamina. I encourage her to walk more and move freely than sitting quietly in the stroller. I just love to see little one moving about everywhere. Mummy or daddy will have to keep an eye of her as she loves to walk to anywhere... especially following other little children she saw.
What if she nags and throw tantrum? Then got to hug her and carry her for a while... after that put her down slowly when she forgot. Sometimes, she just lifts her leg up protesting and doesn't want to get down on the floor! Well, I still try to put her down and most of the time... hehe... mummy won! LOL Moments like this makes me think of investing in wrap or baby pouch so that I can just hang on the body and still hands-free!!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
My Birthday Gifts
Potty Train's Dilemma Part II
TAG: It's 8
- Blogging
- Cloth diapering
- Scrapbooking
- Knitting
- Piano Music
- Reading from Internet
- Join in sb, cloth diapering and parenthood forum
- Watching movie either in cinema or from HBO
- decorate my house the way I've always dream of
- seeing my children enjoy in whatever career they have
- complete the family scrapbooking album
- make sure my children appreciate their father's old coins & gemstone collection
- do charity work
- contribute to WWF
- travel to Europe and Japan
- gathering with all the family members frequently
- I don't know
- Hurry up!
- Okay
- Hi!
- Not sure
- Forget about it
- that's all
- Oh, really?
- Yoga
- Start Knitting by Betty Barnden
- Keepsake (magazine)
- Scrapbooking & beyond (magazine)
- Scrapbook Etc (magazine)
- Mother & Baby (magazine in Chinese)
- Piano Lesson book
- New released piano syallabus book from US
-The Look of Love (Diana Krall)
- Can't take my eyes off you (frankie Valli)
- Emotion (Bee Gees)
- Beauty & The Beast (Celine Dion & Peabo Bryson)
- Turn back the clock (Johnny Hates Jazz)
- Take A Bow (Madonna)
- I finally found someone (Bryan Adams & Barbara Streisand)
- I just call to say I love you (Stevie Wonders)
1. Down to earth
2. Love to share
3. Friendly
4. Humorous
5. Honesty
6. Caring
7. Reliable
8. Last but not least, Click together
Learn to breastfeed
Learn to tolerate
Learn to be more patient
Learn to teach piano
Learn to understand how a kids think
Learn how to control my emotion
Learn how to play piano in very relax & enjoyable mood
Learn how to knit
- Chanel
- Jazzmint
- Alice
- Sandra
- Miranda
- Peter
- Slavemom
- Malaika's Mummy
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Potty Train's Dilemma
We monitored her fluid intake and the time from her last pee and mummy knew it's about the time for her to wee wee. Brought the potty out for her and asked her to sit on potty but she refused. Later screamed and cried! When mummy was about to let her go (since she cried out so pitiful) she peed on the floor immediately, standing! Mummy can't take it anymore and was angry, slapped on her buttock without a second thought.
En En continued crying and call for Ah Kong for rescue but mummy still held her up. Sometimes also don't understand why mummy can be very angry then feel sympathy with the little fella especially when she cried. But geram when she refuse to sit on potty even she really wants to wee wee.
Do you have this problem when potty-train your child? Why is it so difficult but they already understand when they wants to do their business...?
Monday, October 22, 2007
Back to Scrapbooking mood...
Wow... was inspired by local scrappers in a sb forum that I recently join and my head was full of ideas now. Can't wait to let my creativity ideas flow out into my LO asap. I always believe sb doesn't have to be expensive because once you get the necessities of sb such as the cardstock, pattern paper, acid-free album and some specialty adhesive the rest you can get it in local stationary shop. I got ribbons, lace, button, and some colorful yarn from a local sewing supply shop while searching for knitting yarn. That's one stone kill two birds... hehe... I may get some artificial flower for my LO from the flower shop too.
Saw a few challenge in sb links and feel tempted to participate for fun. Never do this before but I think it will be very interesting. I even think of creating another blog only for sb but feel reluctant coz that's mean my sleep time will be gone in no time... Guess I'm not meant for blogging about PPP for $$$ but for interesting posts, probably yes.
Don't ask me when I'm going to have a blog for music... I think I will pengsan (faint) even before it get started!
TAG: 38 questions tag
1. Name one person who made you laugh last night? DH
2. What were you doing at 0800? washing En En's cloth nappies
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? blog hop
4. What happened to you in 2006? Gave birth to En En
5. What was the last thing you said out loud? "En En will wake up anytime!" (- to MIL before I was out for work)
6. How many beverages did you have today? 3- Water, Coffee+tea (ying yeung), milo
7. What color is your hairbrush? wooden one
8.What was the last thing you paid for? parking fees
9. Where were you last night? Dinner with my family @ local open-air restaurant
10. What color is your front door? wood colour
11. Where do you keep your change? In my purse
12. What’s the weather like today? I think sunny coz never get out from office since morning
13. What’s the best ice-cream flavor? chocolate & pure vanilla
14. What excites you? Thought of going vacation, doing scrapbooking and getting new nappies for En En (I'm really sick, am I?)
15. Do you want to cut your hair? No, no budget yet.
16. Are you over the age of 25? Yes
17. Do you talk a lot? No
18. Do you watch the O.C.? Err...What's that?
19. Do you know anyone named Steven? Yup, my newphew.
20. Do you make up your own words? No
21. Are you a jealous person? Sometimes
22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’. Adeline
23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K’. Keh Li
24. Who’s the first person on your received call list? My DH
25. What does the last text message you received say? Maxis sent a promotion on IDD call...
26. Do you chew on your straw? No
27. Do you have curly hair? a little bit, I always admire girls with long straight hair coz i got to pay to get that hairstyle
28. Where’s the next place you’re going to? Home sweet home
29. Who’s the rudest person in your life? can't think of any at the moment.
30. What was the last thing you ate? Wholemeal bread with peanut butter and cheese
31. Will you get married in the future? Most likely not
32. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks? "Click" on astro HBO last night!
33. Is there anyone you like right now? Fellow local scrappers from a forum I joined recently.
34. When was the last time you did the dishes? this morning
35. Are you currently depressed? No
36. Did you cry today? No
37. Why did you answer and post this? Because I never reject tags from Paik Ling (you got to feel honour, lady!)
38. Tag 5 people who would do this survey.
Miranda - yes for you again!
Chanel - first tag from me!
Charish - hope you do this before you pop!
Chinnee - not sure you did this yet?
Lian - wish to know from you too.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
TAG: Shopping Tips
~ Start copy ~It’s very simple. When you receive this tag, copy the whole list and add your own shopping tip to the bottom and pass it on.
Wear comfy clothing when you’re shopping. You don’t wanna fuss with too many laces and buttons when you’re trying clothes on. http://rinnah-marketplace.blogspot.com/
Choose stores offering some kind of reward program, e.g. purchase points, rebates or store coupons. Knowing how the program works and when to use them will save you a lot of money in the long run. http://kakishopping.giddytigers.com/
Always ask for a discount or bargain, especially when you pay cash for big purchase like furniture and electrical items, you will be surprised how much lesser you have to pay. http://leahschrader.com/
Buy in bulk or from the hypermarket. Hypermarket like Giant and Tesco has greater offer than places like Jusco or Parkson. (I’m referring to household stuffs) http://montessorimum.com/
Think again if it does really makes any different without having that, and if no, it means you don’t really need to spend on that. http://www.demoments.net/
Wear comfortable shoes when going for shopping spree. Closed toes and high heels won’t give you the joy of shopping. If possible, wear sneakers or sandals like Birkenstock. ) http://littlepaces.com/
Make sure to jot down the prices of the stuff that you normally buy. Browse thru all the leaflets of promotions whenever you find them and scan for the stuffs you needed because sometimes they offer stuffs cheaper than the big players. This would save you time and energy running between retailers around to compare prices.http://tutiger.blogspot.com/
Compare prices on same item from different shopping locations if possible. If buying in bigger amount or quantity, don't forget to visit specialty shop or even wet market for example dry cooking/baking ingredient if you are buying in kilograms. http://awakenspring.blogspot.com
Not passing this tag too.
~The End~
Friday, October 19, 2007
Exhausted or Forgetful?
Most of the time, I hope to apply hand lotion or cream to my cracked heel... I ended up remember to do this the next morning which I should do last night before I sleep. Sometimes, I keeps on reminding myself that I have to apply oinment on En En face or hands' or legs where she got bruises or moisquito's bite but most of the time I forgot. Why? Because I already slept!She won't allow us to apply on her when she's awake so the best time is when she falls asleep. LOL... So, the consequences is En En bruises area recover slower as mummy keeps on forgetting to apply medicine or oinment on her and I feel I'm so lousy... why always keep falling to sleep so easily? Even in the afternoon... haha... And my cracked heel never heal since Chinese New Year as I never really care and only apply the medicine occasionally.
Wish I am the last one to fall asleep but this happen rarely and I always wake up at midnight coz of suddenly think of I need to do something. Be it to wash the milk bottle, transfer En En from bouncer to bed, or change her to long pants, go brush teeth (ya... sometimes I forgot but remember suddenly at midnight... LOL!) ... and many more. But good thing is once I knocked off, I am really recharging as I won't be awake by any noise except En En crying out loud.
If I have No.2, can I still have a good night sleep?
Thursday, October 18, 2007
TAG: First Letter of Your Name to Asnwer Each Question
1. Famous Singer : Shakira
2. Four letter word : Size
3. Street : Siam Road (in Penang!)
4. Color : Sky blue
5. Gifts/Presents : Sapphire
6. Vehicle : Suzuki Vitara
7. Things in Souvenir Shop : Silver keychain
8. Boy Name : Sam
9. Girl Name : Susan
10. Movie Title : Shark III
11. Drink : Soya milk
12. Occupation : Seamstress
13. Celebrity : Sarah Jessica Parker
14. Magazine : Shape (my favourite!)
15. U.S. City : Seattle
16. Pro Sports : Sailing
17. Fruit : Starfruit
18. Reason For Being Late To Work : Sleeping
19.. Something You Threw Away : Soiled disposable diaper
20. Something You Shout : SH*T!
21. Cartoon Character : Simpson's Family
Monday, October 15, 2007
The Penang Mama / Babies Meet
En En was quite shy for the whole session as this is her first time meeting and eating together with other kids which similar to her age. She is the youngest and out of a surprise, she compromised to sit in the highchair for the longest time! Maybe too shy to even make a move... LOL! Little Darrius is so cute and active while little Yang was smiling to anyone he met. He's one happy go lucky little guy. Jing is Yang's elder sister and she got pretty long hair and big eyes! She played the role of big sisters when the younger ones running around in the restaurant.
Enjoy some snaps from the meet!
En En: enjoying her appetizer...
Darrius: This is my seat!
Darrius, Yang: We rules the world!
Darrius: Wah... wah... grahhh...
Everybody: Let's mess up the place!!!
17 Months
Friday, October 12, 2007
Pop Corn!

Thursday, October 11, 2007
TAG: 5 Posts Link to Keywords
So here you go:
1. Post 5 links to 5 of your previously written posts. The posts have to relate to the 5 key words given below.
2. Tag 5 other friends to do this meme. Try to tag at least 2 new acquaintances (if not, your current blog buddies will do) so that you get to know them each a little bit better.
3. Don’t forget to read the archived post and leave comments.
Link ONE must be about FAMILY: First Wedding Day
Link TWO must be about FRIEND: Old Pals Reconneted
Link THREE must be about YOURSELF: Truely Blessed
Link FOUR must be about YOUR LOVE: My Sweet & Humour Hubby
Link FIVE can be ANYTHING YOU LIKE: Scrapbooking
Tag goes to
TAG: Autograph Book
This tag is very simple.....answer questions only. Can do in 5mins flat. When I was young, we used to sign "autograph books" - which are simply a list of your likes & dislikes.
Here it is:
#1 What is your favourite movie? Back to the Future I, II & III
#2 Who is your favourite singer? Whitney Houston
#3 Which song gets you grooving in the morning? Can't get my eyes off you... *you're too good to be true, can't get my eyes off you, you are heaven to me, oh...... I love you babe... * okay, I'm drifted away
#4 What is your favourite fruit? Kiwi
#5 Who is your best friend (excluding your family)? Adeline even we seldom meet but we talk about everything from wushu to dating guys and family issues... miss her as we stay apart
#6 Name one activity you would like to indulge in, in your free time. Spa, same with Bryan's mama but I prefer full set if possible.... hehe...
#7 When was the last time you laughed so hard till your sides hurt? last night when I heard En En was learning to say "Ha-lo"!
#8 Do you recall your last dream? No
#9 What is your all-time favourite hobby? Reading and I can read from newspaper to magazines to advertisement booklet
#10 When was your last holiday without the children? last April, company trip to Redang island
I would like to tag:
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Mirror... mirror... on the??

Tuesday, October 9, 2007
I did it!
Well, my birthday present to myself is I have my second blog up finally! Welcome to my Cloth Diapering world... haha!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Hopeless in IT....

My blog "Awaken Spring" was displayed out accidentally as I can't recall where I did it! I saw others blogger have more than 1 blogs... wow! They are just so cool (to have so much time to update so many blogs...)!
I really need help as I created another blog with the same login and password as this one! So, everytime I login, I'm directed here. What happen to my other new blog?? How am I going to login?? Gee... I guess I was so blur when did the new blog as I never realized the logic... LOL! :P
Kindly leave me some possible solution?? Anyone??
Bedroom Fear
Last 2 days, the night after daddy off to business trip, we were wondering why En En refused to sleep even it's way pass her sleep time. She slept for 1 and half hour in the afternoon but as we tried to brought her up to the bedroom, she quickly pointed to the door and told us she wants to go out. She became very cranky and wanted to look at the mirror, walking around, didn't want story book... at the end when she became too tired, she cried out loud, screamed like being hit by hard objects or fall from somewhere just to get everyone's attention that she wanted to get out from the bedroom. At the end, she only slept at 12a.m. after putting her in the stroller and pushed in the house. *Tension*
Oh, mummy forgot to mentioned the bouncer already aged 12 years as it was passed down by SIL who used the bouncer for her 2 daughters. Actually that night too MIL found out the steel leg of the bouncer already broken and it couldn't be used. That is another reason why En En was hard to sleep as she didn't have the bouncer to swing her into dreamland. Gosh... she just can't live without the bouncer!! FIL sent the bouncer to repair the next morning.
Second night with the bouncer back, En En still refused to sleep. With her loud voice screaming and crying. After so many hours persuading her, story telling and hardwork from mummy and Ah Mah, this little energizer doozed off at almost 12a.m again! We were so tired but what to do?
Last night, Ah Mah went to bed earlier as she's too tired from taking care of this naughty energizer whole day. Finally left only mummy and En En alone in the room. Mummy didn't entertain En En and was pretending to sleep on the bed. En En first hit mummy's leg as if she's refuse to let mummy sleep too. Then, she walked around the room in dark (yes, mummy switched off the light), babbling to herself and brought her pillow to the bed, on the floor and attempted to sleep on the floor. She was nearly shut down but still refuse to sleep quietly. After 1 hour then only she compromised to crawl into her bouncer and made noise to mummy to swing her to her dreamland (very demanding)...
Friday, October 5, 2007
Knitted Wool Soaker
This is a diaper cover for fitted diaper (another modern cloth diaper). Fitted diaper is made from cotton, hemp or bamboo. It's a soft diaper with snaps or velcro to wear on baby or toddler. Once it get wet, the outside of the diaper also will be damp. That's why it needs a cover and I chose to use wool as the cover. Ok, the hot issue... I only use this at night in air-con room.
I never wear this on En En yet as it need to be lanolized. I'm waiting for hubby to get me a tube of Lansinoh lanolin from US. So, you might wonder how it works, huh? Too long for me to explain here.
I'll try to knit a smaller size wool diaper cover for my future baby as I still have leftover yarn. Wish me luck this time!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
First attempt to wear shoes
The sandal is not the normal slipper or flip-flop type, it's the one that you need to put on the aplix once the feet is in. En En is able to flip open the aplix tab but she doesn't know how to fit her foot in it yet. She was trying for at least 15 minutes and whenever we tried to offer help, she pushed us away and scolded us by screaming. I think she wants to tell "Don't disturb me! Go away!"
En En was sweating after 20 minutes of trying, she never ask for help from anyone. She is one very strong determined girl! Probably another potential stubborn baby??
TAG: Number Tag
Two names you go by:
1. Sharine
2. Mummy
Two things you are wearing right now:
1. OL wear
2. Glasses
Two things you would want (or have) in a relationship:
1. Understanding
2. Security
Two things you like to do:
1. Knitting
2. Paper Scrapbooking
Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. Update my blog
2. Modern cloth nappies that I ordered overseas
Two things you did last night:
1. window shopping @ Gurney Plaza
2. accompanied en en to bed
Two things you ate today:
1. Wholemeal bread with butter & jam
2. Jacob's wheat crakers
Two people you last talked to:
1. My bosses
2. My colleague
Two things you’re doing now:
1. Writing this tag
2. Prepare to have lunch in office
Favorite Day of the week:
1. Friday
2. Saturday
Two Favorite Holidays:
1. Christmas
2. Chinese New Year
Two favorite beverages:
1. Hot milo
2. Hot vanilla
Two things about me! Things you may have known:
1. I was a national wushu athlete
2. I love to bake
Two jobs i have had in my life:
1. wife
2. mother
Two movies i would watch over and over: (and do)
1. Beauty & the beast
2. Little Mermaid
Two place i have lived:
1. Malaysia
2. Nanjing
Two of my favorite foods:
1. Omelete
2. Fried rice
Two places I’d rather be right now:
1. Vacationing in Samui island again
2. At home knitting or doing scrapbooking
Two lucky Fortune Cookie recipients….
1. ai lian
2. chew lee
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
My Sweet & Humour Hubby
Today after lunch, he accidentally said something which I felt nothing then suddenly hilarious and can't help laughed out hysterically! LOL
DH: "You are the woman of my dream."
Me: feel honour and sweet**
DH: "You are the only one that I can dream of..."
Me: pause & think for a while** is that mean you are forbidden by your mistress to think of other woman?? But I never say this to you...
He's real funny as he made it in a singing tone & I burst into uncontrollable laugh.
Love you dearly!
By the way, he will be back in 1 week time.
Restless En En
En En woke up after 10am yerterday according to MIL and only nap for 2hours in the afternoon. Even the afternoon nap... Ah Mah already run out of idea on how to get this little fella to sleep after she's been so tired. Story telling and soothe music already useless now. So, Ah Mah got to put her in stroller and pushed her in the house till she mabuk (drunk feeling) and sleep soundly then only can carry her back to her bouncer! Mummy is not going to do this for her at night, this is a bad bad habit and not recommended. But not sure will consider this tactics if En En's condition is getting worse.
Mummy thought she will be tired after 9.30pm and brought her up to bedroom about 10pm. After her milk milk at 10.30pm she got up and was busy walking around in the room, opened and closed the wardrobe door with mirror and admiring the baby in the mirror. Sometimes, she will talks to the baby in the mirror (yes, self talk) even after I switched off the light. Terrible part is she will hit the door, making noises & tell mummy to open the door for her. She wants to go out even everybody alredy goes to sleep.
Recently she cling more to Daddy and only daddy is able to ask her go to bed. She listens to daddy's command (yes, after a few stroke on her butt and thigh). Her eyes were all red but she still want to play and go out. It takes about 1-2 hours for her to sleep everyday. Mummy believes there is some bad habits that should be identified and changed. Looks like we are going to invest in cane soon...
Monday, October 1, 2007
How to teach 2-3 years old music?
Personally, I think it's not necessary and it's just too early. Unless you don't mind spending earlier. By the way, I'm refering to one to one teaching method. Children at this young age need to get active and is curious about their surroundings. They have very short concentration period. I do not know how others think, even one day if I think En En is talented in music and show interest in it,(in fact, she is!) I'll just start to introduce her different sounds and enjoy first. Yes, switch on the radio and dance together. That's how they learn to respond with music. Anything in the house can become the music instrument such as the milk powder tin, wooden chopstick to hit together or hit on the tin, any ordinary household item that is safe for use on toddler. Mind you, we even let En En use 2 of the cup covers which is made of stainless steel as cymbal. Suitable for her little hands too! Let them know how we get the sound and build up the beat.
Basic requirements for a student to attend a specific musical instrument class:
1) Able to read and write ABC and 123, basically knows all the alphabets.
2) Able to do simple calculation, this is for beats counting purpose.
3) Able to understand simple instructions. Can you assure that 3 years old will understand what is tone or rhythm?
4) Able to concentrate longer. Young children is easily get drifted away by things and environments that's why it's kind of difficult to get their cooperation.
5) Able to follow/perform the beats counting as music is all about correct beats and tempo. So, start to train your little one in counting beats by hand clapping with nursery rhyme.
I might be updating this topic in the future if I come across any new ideas in teaching the little one music. One more thing before I forget, involve them in a small group as they all love having fun together. It's not suppose to be a serious class, it's a playful moment!
So, what do you think and what is your suggestions?