Monday, October 15, 2007

17 Months

En En officially turn 17 months old today. She is really learning fast everyday and her appetite getting bigger which I think is a good sign. She never reject food now but she wants to try and taste for it. Mummy is glad that she is able to understand whatever we are talking about nowadays but she's also a very naughty and possesive.


Height: 80cm

Weight: 10.8kg

New Vocab:
- which means please and she loves to add with "pa-pa ple-" as she thought "pa-pa ple-" is one word that means please... got to correct her

"beg" - beg

"shoo" - shoes

"eter, jan" - Peter & Jane

- Hello. But she only pronounce when we ask her to tell us and the sound of her curling the "r" is so cute till everyone laugh!

"pa-ya" - papaya

"tu-tut" - pacificier
"bei1" - means cup in mandarin


1. When we pass by hawker stalls in the car, En En will be able to point out and tell us there's "mum mum" (place to eat).

2. She loves to stand in the car and she is able to grip on anything that she can to balance herself whenever the car is turning or suddenly stop. But of course, she falls sometimes and never compromise to sit in car seat unless it's a long journey.

3. She can open the car door from inside and therefore we must lock the door everytime we travel because she will insist to open the door even when we are waiting for traffic light to turn green. Once the car stop, she will say "OKay!" as if we already reach the destination. *roll eyes*

4. En En now loves to eat but I think the proper word should be love to taste! She will come over and ask for food sharing whenever she saw us have any food on hand or chewing something in the mouth. When it doesn't taste good, she won't be coming to you anymore!

5. En En is able to drink from straw and she's enjoying it before she starts to bite and play with the straw. She also can drink from small cup occasionally, most of the time she just pour it over her front and wet her shirt when she brings the cup high up on the mouth!

6. Whenever she saw advertisement of baby with disposable diaper, she will pull up her shirt or dress and look for herself that she's wearing one too.

7. When mummy change her clothes, she knows it when mummy said right hand and left hand and she will straighten the hand accordingly. But sometimes, she will turn deaf.

8. Potty train - she seldom cooperate when it comes to wee wee, so still need to put her on lampin or cloth diaper. When she wants to do her "big business" then she will let us know and normally wont' reject to sit on the potty.

9. Recently loves and learning to jump! You will see her walk for a while then jump, jump & walk!

10. She loves to drink Chinese tea. So, whenever daddy makes one teapot of chinese tea she will join in and request a small tea cup made of clay like daddy's one. Then, she sure wants to touch the teapot and when we tell her it's hot she will use her fingers to test on the teapot lightly. When we ask her whether it's hot or not, she will node her head. She also put the clay tea cup lightly on the glass table after we told her it's so noisy that she place it hard on the table.

11. En En also prefers to watch children sing song VCD and eat at the same time and requested which songs she wants to watch! Bad habit...

12. She's trying to self feed but still unable to get a spoonful scoop. She ended up playing with the spoon and water.

13. Her signs that she wants to sleep is when she says "tu-tut" and grab her little pooh bear tightly.

14. She's a drama queen as she will try to make cheeky smiley face to you when she's been scolded and hoping that you will smile or laugh. When she's succesful, she will say "OK!" as she knows no one is angry at her already. When you smile at her, she will give you that mischievous smiley look!


Bryan and Brandon's Mama said...

En En is really developing so quickly - like a young lady now!!! Happy 17th months En En - one more month and you'll be 1.5yrs old!

Chinneeq said...

Sharine, En En has got such big beautiful eyes :p Time really flies ya, before u know, yur gal will be 17 yrs old liao :p

bZbee said...

wah.u really got time to observe ah...en en sure is pretty lil girl..hehehe..i just can't describe what avi is going thru the way u did with en en..hmm..1 point down for me...hahahaha

slavemom said...

So fast u're oredi teaching En En Peter and Jane? Well, she's really a fast learner. I don't dare to show CE the book coz it's not mine (loan from SIL's sis). Worry he'll tear it apart after flipping them over n over again.

chanelwong said...

En En not only pretty and adorable but also clever girl...

Peridot&Sapphire said...

bryan's mama: oh... that's true arr... I never realize...

mummy to qiqi: so meaning we'lll be old very fast too??

miranda: nvm, u are bz with ur biz just like the bzbee!! haha!

slavemom: I only tell her story using Peter & Jane's book, MIL even created songs from Peter & Jane! Amazing...

chanel: clever = naughty